Wednesday, June 08, 2005


From history
Comes prophecy
With lessons still alive -
Warnings words
That Jah wants heard
So the good-hearted survive.

From long ago,
Since Jubal,
Mans music's "never stopped"
But sad to say,
When some have played
They've let its purpose drop

This gift from God
Has been abused
To promote things he hates
Men made songs
To other gods
And hurt Jah while they sang.

Some festivals
In Amos' time
Earned God's bad review
Concerts 'round
A golden calf
Grieved the God that's True.

Some people said:
Let's worship here -
'Don't do what God's arranged
We'll just relax
'Round a golden calf
And lift our songs in praise.

To stay away
From Jah's channel
Does no one any good
Injustice grows wild
With those not serving God
The Way they should.

How would the Artist
Feel about this?
Through his prophet,
He made it clear:
"Remove from me the turmoil of your songs;
And the melodious sound of your stringed instrument
May I not hear."*

'Don't want to play
Against the Maker,
Who says to get in tune
To sing his truth
In harmony
And not bring any ruin.

*Amos 5:23


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