Sunday, March 13, 2016

As I Move Through this World (to the Tune of "She Moved Through the Fair")

Others have altered the lyrics of this Irish folk song, which has such a wonderful melody. I am going to REALLY alter it! (I get to.)

(Work in progress)

My true love said to me,
My darlin', don't mind ~
The world has gone wicked,
But hasn't much time ~
And he brightened and soothed me
With visions so kind ~
It will not be too long,
'Til this world's left behind............

My true love is future,
I'm not sure of his name
Will he sadly be different,
Or maybe the same?
But never a traitor or harmer he'll be 
For the end of all heartache
Is a certainty....

The end of all heartache
Is a certainty. ~


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