Monday, July 25, 2005

Bring it All Down

Bring it all down
God make their world crash
The wicked have sprouted up
Just like the grass.

They speak ugly words
Give worship to lies
Show love for what's bad
And your truth despise.

Bring it all down
Let their world soon crash
These animal-like people
So unjust and crass.

Will they be missed?
No not by me.
And they'll be forgotten

Just a few more dear ones
To rescue or find
Then remove the wicked
With self-godded minds.

Like demons they pat
One another on backs
Applauding each other
For viscious attacks.

With vainest beliefs
They figure their tyranny's
Beyond your reach!

So silence them, God
Let their foul world crash
Get them out of life's way
So we'll have peace at last.


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