Thursday, March 09, 2006

Eagle (2003)

Eagle come
Fly back again
Back around again, please fly

In his courtyard fair
Is where I walk
Getting sunshine from the sky.

Near o'er my head,
Then watch you soar
Powerfully and far you glide

Reminds us how
We need not dread
'Neath the wings of the Most High.

With his pinions swift
He'll block approach
To hearts trying to be true

He'll lift them up
From bird-catcher's traps,
Help them fly, their strength renewed.

Peaceful bird
Flies way up high
Beneath the pre-storm sky so free

Keen eyes see
Through the tangled trees
Rewards of what's to be.

Thank you, Jah
For the eagle grand
Coming around again so we can see

Your servants stand
Refreshed in awe
Deep-down calm and happy.


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