Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Relief (3-18-04)

Young man on a magazine cover
His face ripped by a bomb
A woman strewn in train wreckage
'Could be anybody's mom.

If I didn't know the reason
I'd lose hope from grief
If you don't know, let me tell you
It might give you some relief...

This is NOT God's work
All this misery and pain
It even makes HIM mad and sad -
We're under tyranny of Satan's reign.

Still, see how it matches
What the Bible prophesied -
That there'd be TROUBLE in "the end"
From men believing demon's lies.

But there's good news: It's almost over
This suffering, aching time
Things will soon get better
But keep God's words in mind...

He's gonna rid earth of its ruiners
Save those who love what's right
Make this world a paradise
Bring loved ones back to life.

Then will be gone what hurts,
All this oppression and fear
Christ himself WILL RULE
Full relief will be here.

It WILL be here.


Blogger Unknown said...

Amen to that. Do you write music to your lyrics?

8:42 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

It's in my head. (This one is a low-down blues.) I'm a frustrated guitarist who needs to put more time and patience into learning - otherwise, these songs translate into 2 or 3 chords...I can sing them though; plus, I have a dear, candid 17-yr-old critic to give me helpful feedback...When a comment is, say, "It sounds like 'Barney' music", I know to consider changing something.

8:22 AM  

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