Tuesday, June 13, 2006

When God Made You

When God made you
Gave you life-force
He had a way for you
One true, right course.

So he cared, yes
Cared, yes
What religion you would be
Since most "faiths"
Are filled with lies
And can be blamed, yes,

Who've been slaughtered on this earth.

When God made you
Gave you heart and mind
He had words for you
Seek and you shall find.

Jehovah's showed the way
For love and peace
For all
Who'd throw their weapons down
And turn to him
In obedience
In a brotherhood
World 'round.

When God made you
You came into a plan
Right smack, in the thick of things
In this time of the end.

But cheer up
And see through the lies
True hope
Shines strong
We're not in that Garden now,

But it will be back
Before long -

Soon as the whole world hears
Soon as the whole world hears
Soon as the whole world hears
His Kingdom "song."

When God made you
He hoped there'd come a day
You'd worship him in truth
Draw close to him and stay.


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