Friday, August 05, 2005

Cyber-Web of Lies

Evil spiders spin it
While the whole world up and dies
Is your heart caught within it
The cyber-web of lies.

O come,
Come, come, come, come
We've got your idol here
See what we've done

This attraction
Is mighty strong
The music sexy
Come fly along.

Ha ha ha ha
Now that you're here
Stick quick and listen
And have no fear

Don't fight our words
Just keep your place
And let us weave the wrong you hate
Right across your face.

Evil spiders spin it
While the whole world up and dies
Is your mind stuck within it
The cyber-web of lies.

See Satan here
Isn't that right
You know we do what he wants
Trapped as we like tonight

We sip like milk
Then make our deadly threads
Of softest poision silk.

For someone new
Who dare speaks out against our sin
Right from Jehovah's Truth

Evil spiders spin it
While the whole world up and dies
Are you crying within it
In the cyber-web of lies

Hovers nearby

She can help you break free

If you will just try.

Come and sing
Where truth's alive
To a bright green garden
Where honest hearts thrive.

Help rescue more
Warn them forthright
Be glad that God will soon dissolve
A world-wide web of lies.

Now evil spiders spin it
But you too don't have to die
As Satan snares the foolish
In his cyber-web of lies.