Saturday, July 11, 2009

Jehovah Made the Dars [Stars] !!!

Two years old he laughs and smiles
That “boogs” [bugs]
Can silently hover,
Then slowly fly away,
Exit through a door
He laughs.
It's “funny!”

“Pree fwowers” [pretty flowers]
In tiny detail to examine
Smell good!
(But you still need to learn to
Sniff the fragrance IN,
Instead of OUT and away -
Not to be confused with blowing
The fuzzy tops off dandelions,
Watching the seeds

float off...........)

Water – what a splash!
The fun just pours!!!

You can roar, like a baby lion,
At deer - start to chase 'em,
And they dash away!

They're round, rainbow-shiney
They float down
And you can POP them!
Another one, and another one,
And another one!

You've quickly added words,
Copying and absorbing
So much around you,
So you can stand there now
And tell me what you want
And how you see the world.

And I will listen;
Admiring your beautiful little face
Softest skin,
Big, sincere, inquiring,
And joyful eyes
Tiny mouth that asks these questions
And extra, extra long eyelashes.

What eager hopes you fill,
At two,
When I see you act with kindness,
With love,
With altruism.
You warm my heart,
As you bear testimony
To the inborn right.

But none such as this
(Besides the time you pretended
You were giving a speech
From the Bible!):
You've been outside, yes,
And we told you, looking up,
That Jehovah made the stars;

But now you sit there,
Watching peaceful pictures
Of pastel galaxies

And space fabrics of stars
On a big screen.
A narrator says the name Jehovah.
You look up at your “Pah-Bop” (Grandpa)
With the biggest eyes,
And say:


“Yes! Jehovah made the stars!”
He answers, we answer.
My heart and eyes overflow.

Dawn breaks through
In a new one, again.