Thursday, July 04, 2019

Predator for Satan Indoctrinators

Predator witch of the Devil
Can't contain her evil
Sees a 5-year-old praying
Over her school lunch meal

Rushes up to threaten
With the words of the depraved:
Stop, little girl, just stop -
You're not allowed to pray.

How the angels must rustle
To unleash Armageddon
Waiting on Christ's command
Saying "Go!" to the army of heaven.

Little boy brings his Bible
to school reading time
Godless, wicked teacher
goes out of their mind.

You can sit and read whatever you want
Of any mundane kind
Except the words the Creator's taught

'Cause this is a site of
Mind control by the Devil's lies,
In the name of "education"
Prepping you kids
To by led
By power mongers
To your ruin and death.


Yes, little children, listen
Godlessness is the way
To become debased
Your conscience squashed away.
For if we can convince you
To throw away God's words
That protection will be gone,
And we can enslave you
To just be part of "the herd".

Your new math and "science":
"There is no God"
Just godless bullies
Demanding your compliance.

Yes, children, you're just animals,
Of no special worth!
No future or hope is yours -
Just try to "save the earth."