Sunday, September 01, 2019

When Satan's Hordes Try to School the Children (Video)

When Satan's Hordes Try to School the Children

Satan and his hordes
Intensify their rule
By brainwashing little kids
To not talk about God in school.

Yet they pornographically rape
The children's minds
With instructions on how to live
Sodom and Gomorrahite lives.

To de-humanize the many,
Remove conscience and spirituality
Replace truth with deadly lies
Are goals of Satan's hordes, indeed.
To alienate from God
And trash His protective words
Are the aims of the Satanic godless
To work mind-control of "THE HERD".

Every LIE that wars against
What is righteous, holy and true
Against what's innocent and of-God
Is a LIE they want FORCE on you.

'Cause the more that can be deceived
The more evil can breed
The more deception against truth
The easier to attack me and you.

To turn as many as possible away from God
Before His Armageddon Day
Is the under-goal of the Devil himself,
Worked by his false-pride slaves.
And as they consciencelessly
Violate God-given human rights
Of those who refuse their mind-control

And its about break down
Break down,
Break apart conscience,
Truth from God
And family rights -
To remove true protection
from children,
To mislead their lives
To warp and short their intelligence
To kill creativity
To get them to march
Mindlessly in lines
To be corralled and
"Managed" by thieves. 

So protect yourself and your loved ones,
Learn scriptural truth
Hold to it, live it, preach it

That way, when Satan's LIARS try
To make children animals  
Animals to be controlled-to-death
They'll have the strength to REFUSE.

Armageddon's coming
Spiritually FALSE teachers will be gone
And then true freedom for the children of God
Will inspire their forever songs!