"Red Reflection" - Written in December 2010, as "Reflection"; but Now Changed to an Even More Fitting Name
Red Reflection
12:34 A.M.,
December 14th
The clouds were thick overhead,
Lit with reddish-pink
I had hoped for a clear sky,
A meteor shower-show;
But instead saw red-pink
Reflect off the snow.
Is this how it goes,
From east to west?
Woe to those whom
Their God would contest.
Or from the "north",
To possession take?
Jehovah is just
And so is his rage.
12:34 A.M.,
December 14th
The clouds were thick overhead,
Lit with reddish-pink
I had hoped for a clear sky,
A meteor shower-show;
But instead saw red-pink
Reflect off the snow.
Is this how it goes,
From east to west?
Woe to those whom
Their God would contest.
Or from the "north",
To possession take?
Jehovah is just
And so is his rage.