Friday, November 17, 2017

Dark Antiphony

Candles glow in Babylon the Great
Choir in antiphony, dark ornate sound makes
People stand swaddled in the cold
Candles lighting their lost faces
Lied to and controlled.

Antiphony drones
Musical false liturgies
Wrestle down the soul.

Jah Almighty cannot be reduced
To the golden frames of icons men produce
Nor is His Spirit contained
In the idol images 
Men pray to in vain.

Ahhhh....something's not right
When "worship" like this 
Leaves emptiness inside.

If you listen closer to the words
It is not the voice of God that is being heard
Anti-scriptural doctrines of men 
Trample the words of God
With their traditions.

Ahhhh where is the truth
Defending what's right?
When what replaces it 
Is emotional false pride.

Now, we're in the days when all can see
Who it is that preaches truth,
Who hypocrisy
Now, its plainly seen
How evil injustices 
Come from false beliefs.

Men can throw the shackles off their minds
And leave the traps of false religions
No more to be blind. 
Then run for the shelter of God's words
Because soon, in Babylon the Great
No more music will be heard.*

*(Revelation 18:21-24)

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

I was Thinking, "How Can I Hijack the Antiphon Mode of the Orthodox Church's Emotion-Gripping Choir Sound, to Turn it Around Onto False Religions, who Utilize Such Devices to Spread Spiritual LIES and Idolatries? How Can I 'Crack the Code' of that Mode, to Fight LIES and Emotional Control to Such, with Lyrics of Truth, Instead?" But then I Discovered, Someone Else Already Did It (I Think!), LOL!

I'll still work on one, but enjoy this brilliant production of another for now!! (At least, I THINK they are expressing the same sentiment here!!!)