Sunday, January 26, 2020

Their Weapons Will Enter Into Their Own Hearts (See Psalm 37:14,15)

Do they bother with bombs anymore
Behold the silent bio-war
Built on lies
By the future-blind
With media power to propagandize

But their weapons will enter into their own hearts
Their weapons all of them
Will be broken apart. *

Their injurious things the wicked draw **
To cause the poor and afflicted to fall
To slaughter those
upright in their way.
Don't they see Armageddon's on its way

But their weapons will enter into their own hearts
Their weapons all of them
Will be broken apart.

The conscienceless hordes set their nets ***
Thinking they're the most clever yet
But in fighting the righteous, they fight Jah
So in their own traps they will get caught.

And their weapons will enter into their own hearts
Their weapons all of them
Will be broken apart.

The power abusers have schemed their plans
For genocide against their fellow man
Vaccines of cancer, poisons and more
To spare the planet from an also wrong bomb war?

So they'd destroy the people
To [falsely] save "mother earth"?
As-if that idol caused mankind's birth
But that isn't the case, and never was.
So wise humans give glory to God
Still the stubbornly wicked
Want to cause death?
Their trouble will return
Onto their own heads. ****

Those who will listen to God's truth
Don't work desperate evil
With what they do
They trust in God and His words to guide them through
And so they'll be here when this world is new.

After the weapons of the wicked
Have been broken apart
And all evil has been ended
Then the true new world will start.

The weapons of the wicked
Will be broken apart
All evil will be ended
Then God's Kingdom here will start.

The weapons of the wicked
Will be broken apart
All evil will be ended
Then paradise
on earth
will start. *****


[See -

* Psalm 37:14,15

** Romans 1:30 (see all of 1:18-32 - prophesies being fulfilled now)

*** Psalm 7:15; 57:6

**** Psalm 7:16

***** Psalm 37:10,11,29]


Saturday, January 04, 2020

Censoring Media

Censoring media
Censoring media
Put themselves above God
Declaring what is true or not

Censoring media
Bought and sold-out media
Caves-in to threats and money
Despite the human cost.

Don't question
Just accept and believe
False "expert" opinions
And lies that they repeat.

Censoring media
Self-assuming media
Denying anyone but them
Can think or publish truth

Censoring media
Dumbing-down media
Works mind-control for power abusers,
Hoping you'll be fooled.

of truth in an unrighteous way
Is condemned by God
As His warning words say -

So take some notes and ask yourself
If its not come true -
Romans 1:18 through 32
Jude 7, 10, 14 through 19
Right before us, fulfillment
Of prophesies we've seen!

Censoring media
Distractive media
Doesn't much report
The most vital news of all.

Instead the messengers
Of Jah and His Good News
Preach hope but warn their fellow man
This system's soon to fall.

No one can succeed
In crushing-out God's words
If needed, He'll make the rocks shout
'Til all the world has heard!!

Censoring media
Stop your foolish injustice
'Cause in the end soon all will see
Just who was speaking truth.

Freedom of speech
To speak-out life-vital truth
Is a God-given human right
That's not up to you.

A first line of Justice
Is what free speech of truth can be
To censor it's like murder
Because for life, its what all NEED.

Censoring media
Please understand
God didn't die and you're not God
You're subject to His rules.

Censoring media,
The time is now the need is now
Back off and bow your heads to God

*John 17:3