Isaiah 54:17 (God's Own Encouraging Words)
"Any weapon whatever that will be formed against you will have no success,
This is the hereditary possession of the servants of Jehovah,
and their righteousness is from me
is the utterance of Jehovah."
Super-Haughty Dying Censor-gods
"You can't speak of a Truth here
Do not warn us we're wrong
We are comfortable like this
So your words seem too strong.
Yes, we assume that we're gods
But neither do we care
Just take his messages away
Quit bothering us here."
Soldiers beat upon their drums
As they march off to war
Then shoot to stop their brethren's hearts
From beating any more.
March a chant, then halt the dance
Of children in the streets
Killing lullaby singers
In the name of peace.
But will sweet music come to them
While they drift off to sleep?
Or defenders of murderers
How long will their hearts beat?
The True God says that he will break
All instruments of war
Which merely clash, but have no love
They'll sound their harm no more.
Getting Old
We'll bring peace and security
We'll put an END to poverty
WE will WE will WE will, not God
This is how the people talk.
But not everyone,
Not everyone.
Don't talk of Jah
Not here, not there,
Don't talk of God
Hardly anywhere.
So trust and hope
Go out of place,
And men bow down
To the image they've made
Supported by the lies
Supported by gold
By priests, pop stars, and politicians
It sure is getting old.
Aren't we doing fine
In this info age?
All these "know it alls"
On computer pages
So self-impressed
With techno power
That they'll taunt God
In this final hour.
Much media
Is in the hands
Of the deadly
Enemy of man
Whose contrived lies
And Devil's tricks
Mislead masses
To 666.
Supported by the lies
Supported by gold
By priests, pop stars, and politicians
It sure is getting old.
Global scenes
Pull on heartstrings
Sick ones starve
On TV screens
While million-dollar
Bombs explode
But we don't need God
We're still told.
Yet see how Satan
Works this plot
He's stirs the troubles
That we've got
Then makes it seem
Like God won't help
So men must fix
This mess themselves.
And it's
Supported by the lies
Supported by gold
By priests, pop stars, and politicians
It sure is getting old.
Pressure's on
To conform
Though God's having
This whole earth warned
To obey him
Stand on his side
And not put faith
In a system of lies.
Man in rags
Knows what it will take
For GOD's Kingdom
He humbly prays.
His way condemns
Ungodly men
And he's glad that soon
Problems will end
That have been
Supported by the lies
Supported by gold
By priests, pop stars, and politicians
It sure is getting old.
From history
Comes prophecy
With lessons still alive -
Warnings words
That Jah wants heard
So the good-hearted survive.
From long ago,
Since Jubal,
Mans music's "never stopped"
But sad to say,
When some have played
They've let its purpose drop
This gift from God
Has been abused
To promote things he hates
Men made songs
To other gods
And hurt Jah while they sang.
Some festivals
In Amos' time
Earned God's bad review
Concerts 'round
A golden calf
Grieved the God that's True.
Some people said:
Let's worship here -
'Don't do what God's arranged
We'll just relax
'Round a golden calf
And lift our songs in praise.
To stay away
From Jah's channel
Does no one any good
Injustice grows wild
With those not serving God
The Way they should.
How would the Artist
Feel about this?
Through his prophet,
He made it clear:
"Remove from me the turmoil of your songs;
And the melodious sound of your stringed instrument
May I not hear."*
'Don't want to play
Against the Maker,
Who says to get in tune
To sing his truth
In harmony
And not bring any ruin.
*Amos 5:23
What's the Price?
Nehemiah and Daniel went to kings
But NOT with Baal priests in tow
Rightly requesting expected things
That God and people were owed.
But now, what price is being asked
When idols are in place
Nearly blocking the way to humbly help the poor
Unless 666 is on our face?
Said the Father of the Lie
It's cheap -
If you'll only do "an act"
I'll give you all these kingdom's glory
If to God you'll turn your back.
Thirty pieces of silver
Never got used to feed the poor
Instead they bought a burial plot,
And Judas' trade will be a shame forevermore.
Soon will come a time of global mayhem
Men will throw then worthless coins in streets
And the only thing of value that can save them
Will be one's unsold integrity.
One Act
Diffuse the "bomb"!
No one listens
Diffuse the "bomb"!
They don't
Instead will it spread
Through stadiums
And satellite radio?
Diffuse the "bomb"!
They haven't
Diffuse the "bomb"!
Millions laugh
As the "bomb" infuses
To do "just one act."
No Calf
This tambourine
Will NOT be seen
Dancing 'round
A golden calf.
They give no lasting help
They never could
Just divert many
From the God that would.
That's how it was
They'd call out his name
While with others gods
Following their way.
It didn't save lives
'Brought death and shame
Don't want to be like that
Honor God and his name.